Friday, January 30, 2009

MSCRM4 Email: Receiving Emails from Gmail POP3

• A Gmail Account
• MSCRM 4 Email Router Service
• MSCRM 4 Email Router Configuration Manager
1. Launch MSCRM 4 Email Router Configuration Manager. Under the Configuration Profile Tab, click the New button on the right.

2. Enter following information on the Email Router Configuration Profile dialog, General Tab:

Profile Name: <A Given Name to the Profile> (e.g. Gmail POP3)
Direction: Incoming
Email Server Type: POP3
Authentication Type: Clear Text
Use SSL: Checked
Access Credentials: User Specified (the user will required to provide their POP3 
User Id and Password)

3. Click on the Advanced Tab, make sure Network Port is 995:

4. Click OK button to return to the Email Router Configuration Manager:

5. Click on the Deployments Tab, and click the New button at the right:

6. At the Deployment dialog, enter information below:

Deployment: My Company
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server: http://<SERVER_URL>/<Organization Name> (e.g. http://AT71/Fish - Case Sensitive)
Access Credentials:
        Local System Account  - the Computer that hosting the Email Router Service must be added to the PrivUserGroup
        Other Specified: can be a domain account that has been added to the PrivUserGroup
Default Incoming Configuration Profile: Optional
Default Outgoing Configuration Profile: Optional

7. Click OK button to return to the Email Router Configuration Manager:

8. In order to receive emails via the MSCRM Email Router, the "E-Mail Router" option must be selected under E-mail access type - Incoming, for each user:

9. Before the user can receive incoming email, the email credentials must be configured. The user must logon to MSCRM, at the Main Menu Bar, click Tools, Options..., under the Email Tab, make sure the "Allow E-mail Router to use my credentials to send and receive e-mail on my behalf" has been checked. Provide the User Name and Password (the Gmail User Id and Password), and press the OK button to apply the changes:

10. Go back to the Email Router Configuration Manager, click on "Users, Queues, and Forward Mailboxes" Tab. Select the appropriate MSCRM instance, and click on the "Load Data" button, a list of users which has been configured to send or receive email via Email Router will be shown, select the relevant user and click on the Modify button:

11. Select the Incoming Configuration Profile which has been configured earlier (e.g. Gmail POP3), and click the OK button:

12. Click on the "Test Account" button to verify the configurations:

13. Click the Publish button to apply the changes.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

MSCRM4 Email: Sending Emails by Pointing to Gmail SMTP Server

• A Gmail Account
• MSCRM 4 Email Router Service
• MSCRM 4 Email Router Configuration Manager
1. Launch MSCRM 4 Email Router Configuration Manager. Under the Configuration Profile Tab, click the New button on the right.

2. Enter following information on the Email Router Configuration Profile dialog, General Tab:

Profile Name: <A Given Name to the Profile> (e.g. Gmail SMTP)
Direction: Outgoing
Email Server Type: SMTP
Authentication Type: Clear Text
Use SSL: Checked
Access Credentials: Other Specified
User Name: <A Gmail User Id> (e.g. - make sure to include
Password: <The Gmail Password>

3. Click on the Advanced Tab, make sure Network Port is 587:

4. Click OK button to return to the Email Router Configuration Manager:

5. Click on the Deployments Tab, and click the New button at the right:

6. At the Deployment dialog, enter information below:

Deployment: My Company
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server: http://<SERVER_URL>/<Organization Name> (e.g. http://AT71/Fish - Case Sensitive)
Access Credentials: Local System Account (or specify a Domain Account)
Default Incoming Configuration Profile: Optional
Default Outgoing Configuration Profile: Optional

7. Click OK button to return the Email Router Configuration Manager:

8. In order to send out email via the MSCRM Email Router, the "E-Mail Router" option must be selected under E-mail access type - Outgoing, for all relevant users:

9. Go back to the Email Router Configuration Manager, click on "Users, Queues, and Forward Mailboxes" Tab. Select the appropriate MSCRM instance, and click on the "Load Data" button, a list of users which has been configured to send or receive email via Email Router will be shown, select the relevant user and click on the Modify button:

10. Select the Outgoing Configuration Profile which has been configured earlier (e.g. Gmail SMTP), and click the OK button:

11. Click on the "Test Account" button to verify the configurations:

12. Click the Publish button to apply the changes.