var objElement = document.getElementById('_MBcrmFormSaveAndClose'); objElement.innerHTML='<SPAN><SPAN><SPAN><SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>';
A function can be created to show/hide buttons by providing the Button Id:
// show: bool. Show = true, Hide = false
// id: string. Button Id
// tags: string. Object to stored the HTML tags
crmForm.ShowButton = function(show, id, tags)
// Retrieve relevant button element based on Id
var objElement = document.getElementById(id);
var returnValue = null;
// Show Button
if (show)
// Ensure the HTML tags for showing button is available
if (tags != null)
// Restore HTML tags for showing button
objElement.innerHTML = tags;
// Hide Button
// Store the HTML tags so that it can be restored when showing button
returnValue = objElement.innerHTML;
return returnValue;
To call the function to hide a button:
crmForm.SaveAndCloseButtonTags = crmForm.ShowButton(false, "_MBcrmFormSaveAndClose", crmForm.SaveAndCloseButtonTags);
To show the button:
crmForm.SaveAndCloseButtonTags = crmForm.ShowButton(true, "_MBcrmFormSaveAndClose", crmForm.SaveAndCloseButtonTags);
To remove the button completely:
var objElement = document.getElementById('_MBcrmFormSaveAndClose'); objElement.outerHTML='<SPAN><SPAN><SPAN><SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>';